Category Archives: Other Services

Such Troubling Times

Our World has changed drastically these past few years but this year, in the last few months, several friends have lost long loved pets, family members and friends or broken relationships. It hurts deeply we know as we have gone through all of these things over the years.

If you really cannot get into the spirit of the season, take a deep breath and look around you. Our neighbors around the World are suffering much, much more but have hope and optimism to look ahead.

If someone is missing from your table this year, please set a place for them, and know they are there with you. It helps, I know we did that when my Father passed away for a few celebrations.

Talk about them, even your pets. They mattered to you so remember them, their antics, their sayings and don’t forget to put up some lights outside, perhaps something in the house. It doesn’t have to be Christmas. Do what give you some comfort. Plant a tree or flowers that are really colourful.

Life is not free…one must get out there and work hard to get anywhere. Crying about nothing is a waste of time. Be positive. It can be done.

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Father’s Day 2024

I know I am not alone if I don’t have a father sitting at our dinner table, but it is still tough when Father’s Day comes around. Twenty-fours years have gone by since we even said “I love you” to each other and I am ever so thankful we have a special bank for memories.

In my family now, Don is a great Dad to his four children and an awesome ‘step’-Dad to my daughter.  They all get along so well and it is amazing to watch the pecking order when they all get together. If you are in a blended family, you will know and understand what I just said.

I am glad my parents raised me as they did (although not always when growing up, to be honest) and happier still that, due to my own circumstances, I was able to raise my daughter in the same manner.

To those still so fortunate to have your fathers with you, be thankful and give them a special hug and tell them you love them. These moments you will always remember. To those who are apart, take the honourable step and phone him this weekend and just say you were thinking of him and hope all is well.

You just never know when that is taken away from you as we are not given an advance announcement unless, of course, illness is a factor. If the latter is the case, make the effort to go and see him, if only to say goodbye. You won’t regret it.

Pop, we all miss you and remember with a smile, your laughter, singing and especially when the Irish in you showed up.

Love you . This is your special Father’s Day card just for you.

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