Genoa Bay Cafe, Maple Bay, B.C.

We went on another Senior’s tour to Genoa Bay Cafe for dinner. It is shown as a gourmet place to dine. If they stand by that, then they were having a bad day, and were not prepared for 14 or so of us to arrive.

We were told to go back outside while they set out the napkins, fork and knife and chairs. It took a few minutes and then we all settled in.

We ordered our drinks to start and when they came out, we ordered our dinner. Don asked for the olive appetizer, after confirming they would be warm and the Jambalaya dish. I ordered the 1 piece fish and fries. The table behind us seated 8 0r 9 of our group. They haven’t seen their server yet.

Now, she returns to  tell Don they don’t warm the olives any more, so he cancels that from his order. The food for the six people at our table, slowly arrives. Three had the Jambalaya, two had the fish and fries and one had the Pork Belly.

Don took a bite of his food and told me I could never eat it. It was spicy hot and way over done. The rice was just mush, had 4 shrimp, about about 8 Mussels, a trace of seafood fish, and a ton of Chorizo.

My fish was about 1/2 of a piece of fish and it was way over cooked and a handful of “left-over” fries.  I say that because they were old and cold.

The Pork Belly looked way over done as well.

Our table have almost finished eating and the food for the table behind us is slowly coming out. I jokingly said we now had time for dessert.

So, a few of us ordered the chocolate terrine and THAT was the star of our dinner. One lady ordered the Carrot Cake and it was large enough for two people.

The drive out here is not for the average driver, ‘cuz you would still be looking for it but once you get there, the scenery is awesome.

To be fair, when we left the restaurant, it was full, but with the hugs by the owner shows it would mostly be those who live in the area. They also should remove the word Gourmet from their website.

If you read my restaurant blogs, you know I have been rarely this negative.


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